Conservation Measures

Total Allowable Catches - 2025 & 2026 (126KB) [CM-TAC-01(2024)]
Measure on Bottom Fishing Activities and VMEs in the SEAFO CA (941KB) [CM30-15]
Reducing Incidental By-catch of Seabirds (291KB) [CM25/12]
Reduce Sea Turtle Mortality in SEAFO Fishing Operations (572KB) [CM14/09]
Conservation of Sharks (20KB) [CM04/06]

Recommendation on Banning of gillnets (119KB) [Rec 2/2009]
Recommendation - Banning of deep-water shark catches (103KB) [Rec 1/2008]

Repealed Conservation Measures and Recommendations

Total Allowable Catches - 2016 (162KB) [CM31-15]
Total Allowable Catches - 2015 (33KB) [CM28-14]
Measure on Bottom Fishing Activities and VMEs in the SEAFO CA (437KB) [CM29-14]
Total Allowable Catches - 2014 (147KB) [CM27/13]
Bottom Fishing Activities in the SEAFO Convention Area -2014 (500KB) [CM26/13]
Bottom Fishing Activities in the SEAFO Convention Area - 2013 (448KB) [CM24/12]
Port State Control (117KB) [CM21/11]
Bottom Fishing Activities in the SEAFO Convention Area (684KB) [CM22/11]
Retrieval of Lost Fixed Gear (97KB) [CM19/10]
Management of Vulnerable Deep Water Habitats and Ecosystems (927KB) [CM18/10]
Total Allowable Catches (102KB) [CM20/10]
Interim Prohibition of Transshipments - at – Sea in the SEAFO Convention Area and to Regulate Transshipments in Port (61KB) [CM13/09]
Bottom Fishing Activities in the SEAFO Convention Area (52KB) [CM17/09]
Total Allowable Catches (28KB) [CM16/09]
Reducing Incidental By-catch of Seabirds (57KB) [CM15/09]
Bottom Fishing Activities in the SEAFO Convention Area (43KB) [CM12/08]
Total Allowable Catches (15KB) [CM10/07]
Amend and Consolidate Conservation Measure 02/05 Relating to Interim Port State Measures (109KB) [CM09/07]
Laying down conditions for the resumption of fishing activities in areas subject to closure through conservation measure 06/06 (14KB) [CM11/07]
Management Of Vulnerable Deep Water Habitats And Ecosystems (58KB) [CM06/06]
Reducing Incidental By-catch Of Seabirds In The SEAFO Convention Area (32KB) [CM05/06]
Interim Measures to amend the Interim Arrangement of the SEAFO Convention (114KB) [CM07/06]
Interim Prohibition of Transshipments- at - Sea in the SEAFO Convention Area and to Regulate Transshipments in Port (73KB) [CM03/06]
Establishing a List Of Vessels Presumed To Have Carried Out Illegal, Unreported And Unregulated Fishing Activities in the South-East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (SEAFO) Convention Area (33KB) [CM08/06]
Monitor the Fisheries in the SEAFO Convention Area (52KB) [CM01/05]
Interim Port State Measures (39KB) [CM02/05]